Coronavirus (Covid-19) – Charitable Project – Mountain Guides and Porters
We have been asked about the local mountain staff – guides and porters. They too are in lockdown however without the government funding we have in the UK. They are dependent on work to feed their families and many cannot return to their villages where it is easier to live at this time because of the lockdown. We are supporting the guides who work with us and finding ways to support the porters as well. This is a very difficult time for everyone in many different ways and the uncertain future is a big part of that. We encourage you to do everything you can to say safe and keep those around you safe.
If you are in a position to support this charitable project and would like to contribute then please donate to:
Account: Sherpa-Baer VS
Sort Code: 20-98-61
Account Number: 10539570
Reference: Covid 19 Project (please add your name / organisation)
Please be assured that all of what you send will go to the guides and porters.