Choose your trip type from the options below



Trekking holidays in the countries we visit always involve a number of days of walking and staying in local accommodation, or camping along the way. Treks vary in their level of difficulty and there are detailed itineraries to illustrate what to expect with each one.

Treks are accompanied by very experienced trekking guides who know the area very well and are experts in taking care of you in the mountains. You will also have porterage for your kit so you are only required to carry a day bag.

As with all our trips you are very welcome to call or email us to talk through any questions you may have.


Trekking Peaks

For those wishing to climb trekking peaks are a great adventure. The peaks we offer vary in their level of difficulty from some being suitable for first time climbers, to those requiring more experience. Peaks usually require 2 – 3 weeks to complete including your travel to and from your home country.

All trekking peaks are guided by some of the best Sherpa climbing guides there are and we pride ourselves on having a high ratio of guides to clients. You will also have porterage for your kit so you are only required to carry a day bag.



The expeditions we run are to the highest mountains in the world. We pride ourselves on having some of the best climbing guides in the world to support and assist with your climbing expeditions. These trips are only for experienced climbers and involve a much higher level of risk and require excellent levels of fitness. Many of our clients climbing the expedition peaks have climbed smaller mountains with us as a way of building experience and we welcome those wishing to develop their experience with us.

Although our expeditions are usually guided, we do arrange the logistics for highly experienced groups who do not require guides on the mountain.

All trip details include detailed itineraries however you are very welcome to contact us to discuss what you are looking to achieve.


Cultural Tours

These tours are a wonderful way to experience Nepal, Tibet or Bhutan. These cultural tours are often a very fulfilling and spiritual experience for people and are likely to give a very different experience to current western lifestyles. Guides accompany the trips to ensure the smooth running of your tour and enhance your experience through their deep understanding of the places you visit.

The focus of these trips is to experience the culture of the country and they ‘tend’ to be less physically demanding although not always and the accommodation will be mostly hotels/lodges. There are detailed itineraries that explain clearly what to expect each day and you are very welcome to contact us to discuss what you are looking to achieve from your travels.


Student Travel

Student travel is an educational opportunity for we are passionate about. Amongst what we offer are Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) expeditions, trekking trips, community and research projects. We are an Approved Activity Provider for the DofE (since 2008), hold the Learning Outside the Classroom quality badge and are experienced facilitators of the International Award Adventurous Journey (since 2014).

Our contacts in country allow us to facilitate some wonderful and inspiring projects where groups can be a part of a community project and have the experience of contributing to a local community.

Due to there being such a range of opportunity for student travel with us it is useful to contact us to discuss your ideas and goals. School/college staff arranging these opportunities are fully supported by the company with pre trip advice, administration as well as in country.


Create Your Own

The Walking and Climbing Company run a variety of trips. Many of these start with an idea from an individual client, student or teacher wanting to trek in a particular area, climb a specific peak or arrange a Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) expedition. We welcome new ideas and love creating trips to fulfill individual ideas and goals.

Call or email us and start a conversation about your ideas and what you’d like to achieve in Nepal, Bhutan or Tibet.

Previous ideas include trekking, DofE, charity work, meditation, yoga retreat, community projects, geography field trips/research project and fund raisers.

The Walking and Climbing Company have been an Approved Activity Provider for The Duke of Edinburgh's Award since 2008 and delivering the International Award since 2014.