The Himalayas experience a wide range of climate from humid subtropical in the lower regions to permanent snow and ice at higher altitudes.


A wonderful time to be on holiday. The weather is consistently warm and sunny during the day and cold at night.

The weather may be less consistent. Some showers and snowfall at the beginning or end of the monsoon season.

Only for the very hardy.

Warm and rainy, particularly in the afternoons. Not safe to climb as risk of avalanche. Treks in the lower regions are OK. Internal flights are unpredictable, often not flying due to the weather.

Nepal: Weather overview

Nepal’s climate is hugely altitude dependent. 

  • Winter occurs from late November to February and is typically rain free and clear. High altitude areas (above 3,000m) will be very cold, especially at night.

  • Spring lasts from March to May and is perfect for trekking conditions with flowers like rhododendrons in full bloom. Days are longer although nights are still cool.

  • Summer is the Monsoon months of June, July and August. 

  • Autumn from September to November is perfect for trekking and experiencing Nepalese culture.

Tibet: Weather overview

Tibet’s climate is cold and dry with strong sunshine and large day/night temperature differences.

  • Winter lasts from November to March. With lots of snow and ice a lot of the country is unreachable. Tibet is usually closed to visitors in February and March for the Tibetan New Year.

  • Spring is from April to May with snow melting and wild flowers appearing on the mountains. A great time of year to trek.

  • Summer is June to August with weather warmer in daytime and cooler at nights. Although it is the rainy season showers usually only last for an hour and most rain falls at night.

  • Autumn is from September to October with weather clear and cool it is an ideal time for trekking.

Bhutan: Weather overview

Weather in Bhutan depends on the altitude ranging from arctic conditions in the north to hot and humid conditions in the south.

  • Winter is from December to February. It is at its coldest, especially in the mountains. The valleys are warmer with winter sunshine.

  • Spring last from March to May with colourful rhododendrons carpeting the mountains. These months are ideal for trekking. In May humidity increases.

  • Summer is from June to August and is monsoon season. Conditions are not ideal for trekking although sightseeing is possible and some areas are fine to trek at this time.

  • Autumn is from September to November and is ideal for trekking although temperatures are cooler at night and at higher altitudes.