Nepal Earthquake Appeal - School Rebuild
When an 8.1 magnitude earthquake hit Nepal in April 2015, it left a number of villages in tatters. In response, many of the people that have visited Nepal with us, or know someone that has, sparked into action in order to raise the funds that were needed to help rebuild places that had been left in rubble. We decided to support a school in the Lower Khumbu region where many of our guides and porters are from.
We originally had a target of £10,000, which was to be used to help rebuild one classroom at the school to allow the children to get back to their education and out of the make shift tents they had been using. This school educates 600 children from the villages in this area. Thanks to the enormous generosity of many of our clients and friends and with the unbreakable determination of Vivienne Rush who harnessed many contacts to create a large proportion of the funds this target was met and the first classroom was completed in autumn 2016.
A school group recently went out to visit the village. They had an amazing time being a part of the work going on in the village at that time and seeing the progress that has been made so far. Any tourism in Nepal obviously brings money to that area and the guides and porters employed. The young people from this school visit however brought clothes and money to this village as well as their time and have made a wonderful difference. There is a link here to some pictures from the trip.
We have been asked repeatedly 'what can I do that makes a difference' ….. So due to the incredible success that was seen in reaching this target, we decided to continue on fundraising so that we can build further rooms in this school and channel the generosity of everyone that wants to be involved.
Already, the response we have received and the kindness that people have shown has been inspiring and allowed the building work to get under way. However, at present we are still £1500 off the target that will allow this next room to be completed, which is practical terms means the roof! Here is a little clip from the work going on:
If you would like to be a part of this and support us in reaching this target, you may like to hold a fundraiser or donate what you can, please find the account details below.
Barclays Bank
Sort Code: 20-98-61
Account Number: 10539570
Reference: Nepal Appeal (please add your name / organisation)
We thank everyone that has been so generous and kind, and allowed this village and its' children to slowly get back to normal life.