Kalsang Sherpa

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Kalsang was born in Namche Bazaar, a small village in the Everest region of Nepal, home of the famous climbing Sherpas. He has worked for many years as a climbing Sherpa guide in the Nepal and Tibet Himalayas on numerous treks and expeditions and set up The Walking and Climbing Company with Susie Sherpa Baer in 1999. Since then, their range of adventure holidays has widened as demand has increased, enabling others to see and experience the truly astounding Himalayan mountain range and to share Kalsang's passion for the region in which he grew up.

"It was only when we were on the trek itself that I realised just how much there must be involved in putting together and event like this. Once more, my deep thanks for all  your work and for keeping me on target to do the trek. It has been one of the great experiences of my life and has left me with many great memories and images.

Our Sherpa guides looked after us completely, as you told us they would, ensuring that we had everything we needed and that we had a great time. Kalsang organised everything superbly from our arrival to our departure. Nuru was and excellent sirdar throughout and couldn't do enough for us. The other Sherpas that travelled with us throughout the two week trek were wonderful people and again, the level of support they offered was amazing.

The mountains were stunning and we were blessed with incredible weather throughout. The trek itself was incredibly challenging at times and through those challenges I have learned a lot of valuable things about myself. It has all had a deep effect on me and I have spent much of the time since I got back thinking about the experiences and reflecting what I have learned"

Chris Bartram

Kalsang is an enormously experienced guide, having climbed for many years with groups on Everest, Lhotse, Ama Dablam, Manaslu and Annapurna, as well as smaller mountains such as Island Peak, Mera Peak and Naya Khang. He speaks fluent English and prides himself on providing an individualised service, demonstrating a caring and generous nature that is typical of Himalayan Buddhist people and now a trademark of the company.