Everest Basecamp Nepal Fundraiser

1st - 18th October 2019

This challenge is not for the faint hearted and requires a good level of fitness and desire for a challenge. You do not need to have any trekking or climbing experience to take part and you will be supported with pre trip preparation and information. The trip takes 18 days and will be fully supported by The Walking and Climbing Company’s staff and expert guides when you are there. The fund raising is for The Tibetan Community UK (North) charity and MIND and all funds raised will go to these wonderful and worthy organisations. The challenge lends itself to being used for publicity and raising awareness. Charity Fund Raising The purpose of this challenge is to fundraise for the Tibetan Community UK (North). Fund Donations: All participants to raise £1000 minimum per person for the Tibetan Community UK (North) (All income raised is to be paid in full to The Tibetan Community UK (North) at least 4 weeks prior to travel)



Day 1 Depart UK

Day 2 Arrive Kathmandu

Day 3 Kathmandu – rest, sight seeing visits, check equipment

Day 4 Fly to Lukla, trek to Monjo 

The Lukla flight is about 45 minutes and offers stunning views of the vast Himalayan mountain range. In Lukla you will have a relaxed couple of hours before the first stage of the trek. You will overnight in Monjo village beside the Dudh Kosi River.

Day 5 Trek from Monjo to Namche Bazaar 

On this slightly more challenging day, you will follow the trail alongside the Dudh Kosi River, you pass through fragrant forest and have the opportunity to catch a first glimpse of Everest as well as the possibility of spotting a diversity of native plants and wildlife. Your second overnight stop is Namche Bazaar, the heart of the Sherpa community and entrance to the Sagarmatha National Park.

Day 6 Namche Bazaar rest day and view Everest 

This acclimatisation day provides the opportunity to explore the delights of this vibrant, prosperous village. You may want to visit the Sherpa Culture Museum or learn first hand about the unique history of Namche Bazaar and the Himalaya, or simply relax and enjoy the cafes, markets and local shops while soaking up the atmosphere. A walk to the Everest View hotel above the village provides superb views of the Khumbu region and Everest itself. 

 Day 7 Tengboche visit monastery

This pleasant day of trekking encompasses the rich and colourful natural beauty of pine, fir and rhododendron forest as you make your way to the village of Tengboche. The Tengboche monastery is well worth a visit; it is hugely significant to the Buddhist mountain people and represents the culture and spirituality of the Himalaya and its’ people. 

Day 8 Dingboche 

The trek to Dingboche village involves some gradual climbs and outstanding mountain views as you make your way through birch, fir, juniper and rhododendron forest as well as some open hillside. At Dingboche you are surrounded by numerous stunning mountains. 

Day 9 Dingboche rest day 

This acclimatisation day is spent resting and taking an optional short walk around this traditional village nestled in the beautiful Imja Khola Valley. The village has a network of small stonewalled fields surrounded by the majestic, beautiful mountains including Lhotse and Island Peak. 

Day 10 Loboche 

This is a more challenging day, beginning with a steep ascent to the top of the ridge above the Pheriche Valley. However the views today are dramatic, including peaks and snowfield located in both Nepal and Tibet. Later in the day, at Tukla, you will pass memorials dedicated to the memory of Sherpa’s who died on Everest during the past half century. 

Day 11 Loboche to Kalapathar (5643 metres) and return to Gorkshep

Initially following the western side of the Khumbu Valley, you will begin to ascend through gentle meadows beside the glacial moraine. The route as you climb to Kalapathar (the ‘black rock’) becomes steeper and rougher, offering stunning views of Everest, the highest place on Earth. From here you can also see the mountains bordering Tibet such as Pumori, Lingtren, Khumbutse and Changtse. From this spectacular viewpoint the trek continues along the Khumbu glacier to Gorakshep. It is interesting to see the changes to this active glacier along some parts of the route. This day will likely stay with you as a memory to last a life time, the beauty of this famous mountain and the hundreds of others surrounding it is really quite breathtaking. 

Everest View Hotel

Trekking – Everest region

Day 12 Gorkshep to Everest Base Camp (5380 metres), return to Loboche 

As you head towards Everest Base Camp you will leave the moraines behind and begin to follow the glacier itself. One of the most spectacular sights on this trek are the huge ice boulders spilling out from the glacier known as the Khumbu Icefall. The icefall consists of these highly impressive 15m high seracs – columns of ice formed by the constant melting and movement of the glacier. It is quite a sight to see and is a short distance from Everest Base Camp. In Base Camp you will see the buzz of adventure and excitement from the groups there to attempt climbing this giant of a mountain. 

Everest view from Kalapathar

Day 13 Pangboche 

Today the trek continues along a gentle scenic route to the village of Pangboche. 

Day 14 Namche Bazaar 

Today you trek back to Namche Bazaar, by now a familiar sight. As well as returning to the magic of Namche Bazaar, you also have the opportunity of revisiting the Everest View Hotel. This is the world’s highest altitude hotel. The stunning views from here of Everest and the huge Himalayan mountain range stretching as far as the eye can see will be such a great memory for you to take 

Base Camp

Day 15 Phakding From Namche

The trail descends downhill following the Dudh Koshi to Phakding. 

Day 16 Lukla 

This is your last day of trekking as you descend to the village of Lukla. 

Day 17 Fly to Kathmandu 

From Lukla you will take the 45 minute flight back to the city of Kathmandu. Arriving back into the midst of a bustling city may feel a little strange after the peace and slower pace of the rural mountains of Nepal. 

Day 18 - Kathmandu rest day/ Return home

Today you may wish to rest and relax, sight see, shop or whatever else you wish to do prior to leaving Nepal. Flights may be today or tomorrow depending on the airlines.

Dan Metcalfe