Nepal Earthquake Appeal - Solukhumbu Region
Update 2016
Further to our previous messages after the earthquake in Nepal the response has been staggering. The immense kindness and generosity that people have shown has been inspiring and humbling – thank you.
It has been so touching to hear how people who have been to Nepal, or know others who have been out there have been affected by the reports from Nepal.
There have been numerous events to raise funds for Nepal including a charity gig in York, a danceathon in Hull and a school sponsored poetry event in Sussex amongst the ideas we have been told about. We have also received boxes of clothing to take to Nepal.
We decided to support schools in the Solukhumbu region that have been badly damaged and also the villages in this region where many of our guides and porters come from. This region is where the Sherpas of Nepal come from and is part of the Everest region.
We originally said we would collect funds for this project for a limited time however the scale of repairs needed in Nepal and the determination of those wanting to help has meant this project will continue for the foreseeable future. If you wish to make a donation the details are below.
This is from Vivienne a major contributor in fund raising activities for this project.
“Hello I am Vivienne, one of the people who was touched and inspired by the Nepali people after my trek in Nepal in 2014 and who wanted to take action to support them in their time of crisis. I planned to raise funds with a specific destination, to put my heart into a specific place.
Passionate about education and with the support of Susie and Kalsang (Directors of The Walking and Climbing Company), I decided to get the children in an earthquake-devastated region back to school and back to their lives. The alternative was to sit in the rubble and wait and sometimes it takes a long time for aid to arrive.
The region of Solukhumbu was chosen. This area is home to Sherpas and porters and indeed to Kanccha Sherpa who I knew well from my trek, urging me on with his calm smile when things got tough. He agreed to project manage, with Kalsang, and won the support of the Tapting Youth Club Committee to oversee the works together.
And so the Shree Changesthan Higher Secondary School rebuild project began.
The funds required are £10,000. Since September 2015 half of that has been raised, a mighty £5000 and the people of Tapting have been able to push ahead with the rebuilding of the outer walls, with stones mined themselves from the mountains, the roofs, the inner walls and woodwork.
There is still a way to go to rebuild all the school buildings and then to start on making the furniture. Currently there are very few children receiving schooling and those who do are being taught in makeshift tents.
It has been a privilege to strengthen my connection with the Nepali people. My heartfelt thanks to the generosity of donors and to Susie, Kalsang and Kanccha for their support. If you would like to give, the account below will be very happy to receive your kind donations.”
To donate to this fund you can make a payment into this account
Barclays Bank
Sort Code: 20-98-61
Account Number: 10539570
Reference: Nepal Appeal (please add your name / organisation)
Please include the reference Nepal Appeal in the Purpose field (please add your name / organisation)
(Please note that Paypal charges approximately 3%).
You can give whatever amount works for you and please know that 100% of what you give will go to Nepal
With love,
Kalsang and Susie