Langtang and Gosain Kunda Horse Trek (18 Days)

Langtang and Gosain Kunda Horse Trek (18 Days)


This wonderful walk in the Langtang region of Nepal is in a very beautiful area. There is the option to complete this trek on horseback for those who would like to see the Himalayas and don't want to walk or are limited in their ability to walk. The trek reaches the stunning Gosain Kunda holy lakes which are a beautiful sight. As with all our walks you will have time to experience Kathmandu and the culture of Nepal as part of the trip.

This trek is a little different to our other treks in that it is available to complete it on horse back. It is expected that the group will have a mix of riders and walkers.

Fitness grading: Walking 2 Int
Climate: See Climate for likely weather conditions
Duration: 18 days
Price 1-7 people: £1700
Price 8 or more : £1550
Deposit: £300
Dates: Please contact us for dates


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Additional Information

This area is quieter and more remote than other trekking areas of Nepal. The Gosain Kunda lakes are considered holy and there is something wonderful about trekking beside them and absorbing their peace and tranquillity.


What’s included:

Kathmandu hotel and breakfast
Accommodation and main meals on trek
Airport transfers
Road travel to/from Helambu region
Sherpa Guides, Porters and local helpers
National Park permits and fees, TIMS permit


What’s not included:

International flights
Visa fees
Airport tax (currently not charged)
Other meals in Kathmandu
Additional visits – transport and entry fees
Personal equipment, clothing etc.
Alcoholic and bottled drinks, biscuits, confectionary and additional food to main meals
Optional Sherpa / Porter bonus


Click to see Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: Depart UK

Day 2: Arrive Kathmandu

Day 3: Kathmandu - Rest day

Today you can relax from your travelling, buy any equipment needed and sight see in this buzzing and fun city. Accommodation is in a comfortable Nepalese run hotel in the Thamel area of Kathmandu.

Day 4: Travel to Shyapru Besi (1460 metres)

Today you will travel by road from Kathmandu to Shyapru Besi. Heading north out of Kathmandu the route takes you through scenic foothills and ridgeline views to Shyapru Besi passing through various villages along the way. Along side the road is the banks of the Trishuli River as well as passing terraced fields and green hills. Shyapru Besi is a largish farming village set on terraced hills, with guest houses, restaurants and shops.

Day 5: Lama Hotel (2500 metres)

The trek today is from Shyapru Besi to Lama Hotel and takes about half a day. For those of you riding you will meet your horse and handler working with you on the trip. The first part of the trail crosses the Bhote Koshi river and follows alongside the Langtang Khola river. This trail is a gradual ascent; afterwards, you trek down gently to the villages of Rimche (2400m.) and Bamboo (1960m.). En-route you may see red pandas, monkeys and bears if you are lucky! Not only are these views incredible, but the views back down the valley to where you've come from are rewarding as well. Close to Langtang Village, you will find yourself surrounded by craggy rock peaks and occasionally a glimpse of the Langtang Mountain.

Day 6: Langtang village (3430 metres)

The walk to Langtang and on to Kyangin Gompa is spectacular. The landscape has less trees and more bushes and rocks. You will see enormous peaks, some snow covered in front of you as the foothill behind you disappear. You will get your first full view of Langtang Mountain, which is stunning.

Day 7: Kyangjin Gompa (3870 metres)

On reaching Kyangin Gompa the views from this village are absolutely spectacular. You get a 360 degree view of the huge snow capped mountains and glacier and to just sit and appreciate them is wonderful. There is also a 400 year old monastery here with colourful paintings that are also more than 400 years old. It is no longer an active monastery inhabited by resident monks, but important local celebrations are still carried out here and are attended by important local lamas and monks.

Day 8: Rest day – visit Tserko Ri (4773 metres)

An early morning walk up Tserko Ri offers tremendous panoramic views and is well worth the effort. Views include the Langtang Lirung Mountain and the foot of one of its glaciers.

Day 9: Lama Hotel (2470 metres)

As you trek down to Lama Hotel a village locally known as Changtang, you will feel the benefit of returning to a lower altitude.

Day 10: Thulo Shyapru (2250 metres)

This village offers a friendly atmosphere with the Tamang cast of Nepali people.

Day 11: Laurebina (3910 metres)

The views from Laurebina are stunning you will see the Annapurna mountain range as well as Mount Manaslu (8156 m), Ganesh Himal (7406m), and even unnamed peaks in Tibet.

Day 12: Gosain Kunda (4380 metres)

This is a tough day trekking over the Laurebina Pass to reach the stunning holy lakes at Gosain Kunda. The terrain is moraine and takes you past a series of smaller lakes. It is very beautiful and well worth the effort for the beauty of the lakes and views of the surrounding area. Hindu pilgrims visit the lakes during the full moon festival in August and the lake is also sacred to Buddhists. Gosain Kunda is actually the largest of three main lakes the other two being Saraswatikunda and Bhairabkunda. Hindu legend has it that the lakes were formed when the God Siva plunged his trident (Trisul) into the ground in order to obtain water. The Trisuli River has its source in the lakes hence the name.

Day 13: Rest day

A day to relax from the exertions of the previous day and to enjoy this stunning area.

Day 14: Shin Gumba (3330 metres)

Dropping down today through natural untouched forest and an area protected for wildlife to reach the village of Shin Gumba a local settlement with a cheese factory and lodges.

Day 15: Dhunche (1960 metres)

Today you will reach Dhunche from where the main road to Kathmandu is picked up.

Day 16: Drive to Kathmandu

The drive to Kathmandu is very interesting with wonderful views of the river, the farmland and passing through several villages.

Day 17: Kathmandu

Today is a day to sight see around Kathmandu, or simply relax and enjoy the cafes and local shops.Visits to consider include Boudhanath - the Buddhist centre in Kathmandu, the Monkey Temple and Durbar Square.

Day 18: Flight to UK

NB This trek is a little different to our other treks in that it is available to complete it on horse back. It is expected that the group will have a mix of riders and walkers.

If you wish to have a horse for this trek the additional cost for this is approximately £750.