Yala Peak (16 days)

Yala Peak (16 days)


Yala peak is located in the Langtang region of Nepal and is 5520 metres high. Langtang is north of Kathmandu and has over 70 glaciers, the Ganesh Himal and Langtang mountains, as well as high altitude lakes. This trekking peak is a straight forward, non-technical climb and a great first Himalayan peak. From the summit there is a wonderful view of Shishapangma (8013m) in Tibet.

Fitness grading: Trekking/Adv
Climate: See Climate for likely weather conditions
Duration: 16 Days
Price 1-7 people: £1850
Price 8 or more : N/A
Deposit: £300
Dates: Please contact us for dates


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Additional Information

You will start your climb of Yala peak from Kangyin Gompa, a wonderful remote and traditional village. The local people of this area are from the Tamang cast who have a culture that goes back hundreds of years. This area was changed tremendously by the 2015 earth quake and groups visiting this area contribute to the rebuilding of these peoples’ lives and their villages.


What’s included:

Kathmandu hotel & breakfast
Accommodation and food on trek
Airport transfers
Travel to Sybru Bensi by road
Sherpa Guides, Porters and local helpers
National Park fees and permits
Peak permit
Camping equipment except sleeping bags
Sherpa Insurance


What’s not included:

International flights
Visa fees
Airport tax (currently not charged)
Other meals in Kathmandu
Additional visits and transport
Alcoholic and bottled drinks
Optional Sherpa / Porter bonus


Click to see Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: Depart UK

Day 2: Arrive Kathmandu, Nepal

You will be met at the airport then drive for about 30 minutes to your hotel. The day can then be spent relaxing, seeing the sights of Kathmandu and getting to know the rest of the group.

Day 3: Kathmandu

Check equipment / sightseeing. As part of today we will check everyone has the necessary kit for the trek ahead. There is time to hire/buy anything needed from the numerous climbing shops within 5 minutes walk of the hotel.

Day 4: Drive to Sybru Bensi (1462 m)

Drive from Kathmandu to Syabru Besi by bus or Land cruiser depending on group size. You head north out of Kathmandu driving through scenic foothills to Syabru Besi passing through Dhunche. While passing along the road on the bank of the Trishuli river you'll catch a glimpse of Ganesh Himal, terraces and green hills.

Day 5: Trek to Lama Hotel (2500 m)

Today, the first part of the trail crosses through Bhote Koshi and follows the Langtang Khola. This trail gradually climbs to Bamboo passing through the landslide area. Afterwards, your trek gently up to Rimche (2400meters) through Bamboo (1960meters) which lies at the bank of Langtang Khola. You then trek on to Lama Hotel. This area is the home to red pandas and monkeys.

Day 6: Trek to Langtang Village (3307 m)

The trek route follows Gumanechok, Ghoda Tabela which translates to Horse Stable. The trail is beautiful as you trek along the valley with the grazing Yaks. Langtang village is one of the very traditional local old village on this trekking route and the view from here is spectacular.

Day 7: Trek to Kyanjin Gompa (3798 m)

Today is a shorter walk and enough for acclimatization. The surroundings are interesting with a famous Cheese factory, the beautiful valley beneath Langtang Lirung and many small peaks to climb.

Day 8: Kyanjin Gompa rest and acclimatisation day

Today is a day to rest and explore the area for acclimatisation. You can visit the monastery and cheese factory then take a walk up the moraine to see the spectacular ice faces and tumbling glaciers of Langtang Lirung or ascend Kyangjin Ri (4350meters) directly behind the village, for a breath-taking panorama of the Langtang peaks.

Day 9: Trek to Yala peak Base camp (4400 m)

To reach Yala Base Camp you trek along the rocky glacier trail. There are wonderful views of Ganchenpo, Naya Kang, Tserko Ri, Yala peak and others. Overnight - camp.

Day 10: Summit Yala Peak (5520 m) and back to Kyangjin Gompa

Today will be an early start depending on weather conditions. At the summit of Yala peak, you will be surrounded by the panoramic views of Shishapangma, Dorje Lakpa, Ganchenpo, Naya Kang, Tserko Ri, Langtang Lirung and many Tibetan mountains.

Day 11: Spare day

This is the spare day for the climb in case of bad weather, alternatively this will be a rest day at the Kyanjin Gompa and a visit to the Langtang Glacier.

Day 12: Trek back to Lama Hotel (2500 m)

Rejoin the trail to Lama Hotel.

Day 13: Trek to Sybru Bensi (1462 m)

Leaving the mountains behind you'll descend to Sybru Bensi where the trek started about a week ago.

Day 14: Drive back to Kathmandu

After breakfast, we drive back to Kathmandu from Sybru Bensi by bus or Land cruiser depending on group size.

Day 15: Kathmandu

Today is a rest day to relax, sight see, shop and whatever else you wish to do before your return journey.

Day 16: Depart Kathmandu

You will be driven to the airport in good time for your return.